Trends 2023

Caring Companies

In times of skills shortages, people are increasingly asking what companies can do for their employees and not the other way around. Employers are now expected to look after their staff’s health and well-being. What is new is the pace at which concepts are emerging that go far beyond ergonomic chairs and training budgets: we are seeing an increase in feel-good managers, mental health awareness, social responsibility, and DEI programmes.


The solutions being worked on are designed to support employees in every phase of their life – and to retain both Gen Z and the Silver Society as employees. Mental health issues such as burnout, stress and depression are increasingly being addressed proactively, and telehealth services for the menopause, support for care workers and mindfulness workshops are becoming essential parts of a company’s benefits package.


Sure: similar to greenwashing, there will be companies whose main interest is to boost their image. But what we are noticing is not just a trend, it’s a new attitude: companies are becoming more and more aware of their responsibility towards their employees. Caring companies are coming – and that’s good!