Trends 2023

Sustainable by Default

After the past few years, we have become used to adapting to changing circumstances. To cut costs and save energy, we turn down the radiator, take shorter showers and shop less, thereby consuming fewer valuable resources. And as we compare prices on the supermarket shelves, not quite believing our own eyes, it slowly dawns on us: this is not just about inflation and energy costs.


The new frugality has let sustainability become more firmly established in our everyday lives – doing good as a side effect, if you will. All over Europe, people are turning to second-hand goods and changing their travel habits: although climate protection is not always the main reason for avoiding air travel, we are still flying less than we were before the pandemic.


New behaviours like these may have a chance of bringing about a long-term change in attitude. In fact, many of us have now begun to really understand what environmentalists have long been proclaiming: there is no planet B – and the more people join in, the more we can achieve.